When you got to do the "doo" there's nothing worse than staring down the barrel of a nasty public bathrooom with no other options. The cliche "There's an app for everything" never has rang more true than when I found out about the CLOO app for iPhone that helps you find people willing to let you use their private bathroom when you have an emergency.
...Yeah, you heard me
CLOO-app.jpeg CLOO is comprised of a user-generated database of available private bathrooms and their going rate that you can search. CLOO uses Twitter, Facebook, and Foursquare to identify connections...so users are not peeing in perfect strangers bathrooms, or letting perfect strangers pee in their bathrooms. If you can make it in time, simply submit a request. The owner is notified and can approve or deny a request. If approved, the pee-er bumps phones with the pee-ee and does their "thang"
Afterwards, the pee-ee (or poop-ee?) leaves a review of the facilities, and all is right in the world again. According to the website and video, Not only do those who volunteer their potty receive payment...I'm assuming less than 10 cents, CLOO has partnered with brands in hopes to provide additional discounts for toiletries so they don't have to completely use their own stock.
CLOO is not available as of yet, but if not totally grossed out about either letting somebody who you don't really know use your bathroom, or not too keen on rolling up in somebody's place to "light" up their bathroom, visit the CLOO website or http://www.twitter.com/CLOOApp for more information.
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