City Bar - it's big enough for Montenegrin town of 38,000 people, which is the largest port in the country. Of particular interest is the old part of the city, Old Bar, partitioned off from the port of a resort area. In total, there are about 240 buildings. But as the old town was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1878, many of the sites are presented to tourists in the form of ruins. One of the oldest monuments of the old town - the gateway 11.10 centuries. Represent the interest of the ruins of the Cathedral of St.. George 11. and two churches - St. And St. Catherine. Venerandy. Noteworthy also some monuments of the period of Ottoman rule, for example, an aqueduct ages 16-17 and the clock tower, the building which dates back to 1753 year. Well a mosque with a minaret and tombs Omerbashicha Dervish Hacha (17th century) at the south-western wall of the Old Bar. Next to the mosque there are buildings to house pilgrims and imams.

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