Forte Mare, which means sea fortress, stands on rocks in the old part of the flourishing town of Herceg Novi. This is part of the ancient fortifications, which in the Middle Ages, defended the city. The appearance of the fortress presumably dates from the 14th century. Prior to the 17th century castle several times been reconstructed and expanded. The current appearance and size fortress has since Ottoman rule, when it grew on the walls of the teeth, and in the fortress there guns. At the time the fortress was named "Yucca Kula", which means "mighty fortress" or "Kula Abaspashe." The current name Morska kula (Sea Tower) gave the fortress in the 18th century Venetians. And its modern appearance fortress owes Austrians that some of his altered. The castle had many secret passages, trap doors and stairs. In 1833 he was made a reconstruction of the fort, and since 1952 the fortress was used as a summer theater. Later in her walls began to hold discos and concerts. In the late 20th century fortress again underwent restoration, and now Fort Mara is famous tourist attraction. Through the gates in its walls can go straight from the beach to the top of the fortress, and if you climb to the top floors of the fort, the eye opens a breathtaking view of the city and the sea

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